Young Carer

Young Carers: Embracing Care and Support

Defining the Remarkable Role of Young Carers:

A young carer is an extraordinary individual, someone below the age of 18, who consistently and compassionately provides care for another person facing challenges such as physical or mental illness, disability, or substance misuse. This mantle extends to young adult carers, aged between 16 and 24, who can equally access the support this service offers.

It's crucial to recognise that many young people might not readily recognise themselves as carers. Consequently, they might remain unaware of the practical and emotional support that awaits them here in Essex.

Are You a Young Carer? Discover by Exploring These Responsibilities:

You extend care to a family member due to illness, disability, or advancing age. Assisting with tasks like bathing, dressing, toileting, or mobility support. Taking charge of cooking for your family. Managing financial aspects or orchestrating the family budget. Ensuring someone's regular medication intake. Handling tasks like prescription collection, managing benefits, or grocery shopping. Looking after younger siblings by aiding with school-related activities, laundry, or meals. Taking on household chores like cleaning, vacuuming, laundering, or ironing. Advocating for those who struggle with communication. Acting as a translator or interpreter for family members at home.

The Impact of Being a Young Carer: Acknowledging Your Emotions

  • Your domestic responsibilities might limit your social interactions with friends or hosting them at your home. Emotions like sadness, anger, guilt, or embarrassment might arise due to the care you provide at home. Comparisons with friends' carefree lives might lead to feelings of sadness. You might choose to keep your family situation hidden from outsiders. Reaching Out for Help: A Lifeline for Young Carers
  • If your child assists in caring for a family member with a disability or long-term illness, our support is here for you!
  • Should students seek guidance or assistance, Mrs. Billington-Pearce, our Young Carers Co-ordinator, conducts the Young Carers Hub every Wednesday during lunchtime at the LRC.

Are You a Young Carer? Unveiling the Definition:

  • A young carer refers to an individual aged 18 or under who aids a family member dealing with disabilities, illnesses, mental health issues, or substance abuse concerns.
  • As a young carer, your responsibilities might encompass assisting a parent or a sibling. This could entail additional household tasks like cooking, cleaning, or helping with dressing and mobility.
  • You might also provide substantial physical assistance to a disabled or ill sibling, while also offering emotional support to both them and your parents.

If you resonate with any of these situations, rest assured, we're here to provide assistance!

The Young Carers Team is poised to offer support and guidance for challenges you might be facing at home or school.

Struggling with homework? Need someone to discuss health concerns? Seeking help with organisation or managing appointments outside school?

Count on us for valuable advice and ensuring that you and your family access the required assistance. If you prefer, you can leave us a message in our office's Young Carers message box, prompting the team to arrange one-on-one time for a conversation. Remember, we're here to lend a hand.

Parents in need of support, kindly reach out to Mrs. T Billington-Pearce at Gable Hall School. Your well-being matters to us.

For more information click below:

Essex Youth Service

NHS: Being a young carer: your rights Carers Trust

Step 8 Tool 1 Exemplar noticeboard material for schools

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